Thanks for dropping by.
I hope the ideas I share here and in my books will help you understand how to enjoy your golf, regardless of the situation, your score, the result or outcome, or how you are playing.
Enjoying and finding meaning in the challenge of this wonderful but difficult game is fundamental in developing a long lasting, healthy relationship with it, and is the foundation of mental strength, resilience, consistency and confidence.
Many of these ideas are the opposite of the advice and tuition offered by mainstream golf instruction (and those prevalent in wider society) . It is widely assumed that perfecting your swing, playing better and achieving more will automatically lead to a better experience of the game.
But is that true? How often have you improved one aspect of your golf, only for another to let you down? When you do play well, how long do the feelings of satisfaction last for? When you win a competition or lower your handicap, how long before you feel the need to prove yourself again?
How many Tour professionals, the best players in the world, are genuinely happy people?
When the game becomes hard work and a golfer becomes disillusioned, the standard offering from the mainstream golf instruction industry is a simple binary choice.
Either a quick tip or fix, or a major swing rebuild, accompanied by the warning ‘it will probably get worse before it gets better.’
But if you’ve been round that loop a few times and are curious about a different way of learning and playing the game, please have a look round the site.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or follow this link to arrange a time to discuss your golf.
Articles & Essays
New articles to help you understand more about your thoughts and feelings when you play are published regularly here and on my other website, Sportsprinciples.com.
Follow the link below to read some of the most popular ones.
If you’d like the latest and most popular content delivered regularly to your inbox, please leave your email address on the Articles page and I’ll be in touch soon.

The Books
I’ve published three books over the past 7 years. The latest is Get Out of Your Own Way (April 2023.) They are available in paperback, eBook and Audiobook formats from all major retailers and good independent bookshops.
The first one, The Three Principles of Outstanding Golf tells my story. How my struggles and frustrations with the game led me to a different understanding about golf and life.
You can read reviews and download the first three chapters for free by following the link below.
I’ve been invited to share my thoughts on various podcasts over the last couple of years.
I work in a number of different sports so the conversations cover a range of topics and experiences around both playing and coaching.
Here are some of the most popular episodes.

Golf Coaching
My golf coaching philosophy is grounded in experiences of playing the game at a high level for over 20 years.
I played my best golf when I was enjoying the game and not thinking too much about how I was doing what I was doing.
I believe you’ll play better from a similar state of mind too.
When you understand how your mind works as well as your golf swing, you can get out of your own way and play to your potential more often.
Online Learning
Online education is one of the fastest growing sectors on the internet.
Establish a solid foundation for your swing and understand how your mind really works with these easy to follow Online Learning Programs.
COVID has changed many things about the way we live our lives. Learning golf is no different.

“Just a quick note to say thank you for the golf coaching yesterday. It was great to talk to someone who knows as much about the mental side of the game as they do about the golf swing. I felt so much better on the course today and hit some really good shots.
Golf feels like fun again!”
If this is the first time you’ve visited the site, feel free to have a browse at your leisure.
If you’re keen to find the most appropriate information for the state of your game at the moment, please consider the questions and follow the suggestions at the bottom of each page.
Thanks again for your interest in my work. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Morayshire, Scotland.
Call or Message
+44 7976 401 545