Articles and Essays
A selection of the most popular articles and essays.
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17 Golf Psychology Tips To Transform Your Game
Most golfers are aware that the mental side of the game is important if you want to realise your potential. This in depth essay explores some of the key aspects of your thoughts and feelings when you play.
Is Trying To Perfect Your Golf Swing a Good Idea?
Golfers are told that the perfect swing is the key to golfing happiness. But is that true? This article questions that idea and explains why spending all your time beating balls is probably a mistake.
Learning From Your Bad Days
No golfer on earth plays well every time they tee it up. But some seem to cope better with a bad day than others. This article explains how you can turn even the worst day on the course into a positive experience.
Is a Slump a Mental or Physical Problem?
When your game deserts you, the first question you should as is whether the problem is a physical problem with your swing, or something else. This essay is a step by step guide to a correct diagnosis
Balancing Performance and Enjoyment When you Play
What’s most important to you when you play – performance, or enjoyment? Can you have both or does playing well always need to be a grind? These questions and others are explored in this essay.
Thinking Correctly Under Pressure
Coaches and psychologists in all sports including golf, have spent thousands of hours trying to devise ways to help players think the right thought at the right moment.
Finding Your Authentic Swing
‘How can two identical twins have golf swings that are completely different?’ asks author Stephen Pressfield in this engaging and enjoyable book. Perhaps your authentic swing isn’t learnt, but remembered?
The Best Ever Book About the Mental Side of the Game?
There have been many books about the mental side of the game. Most are instructional ‘how to’ guides. This one is different and in my opinion, might be the best one ever written.
Playing Your Best Golf Under Pressure
Every golfer wants to play well.
But often our best golf eludes us when we need it most. This article explores what pressure really is and where it comes from.