Master Golf’s Mental Game
Realise Your Potential.
Learn the Simple Principles
of How a Golfer’s Mind Works.
“People were telling me I had a good golf swing and my handicap should be lower.
But it wasn’t until I grasped the importance of the mental game that I started to play the golf I was capable of.”
Learn to Play Your Best Golf – When it Counts
Build a mental strategy that will stand the test of time, rather than just hoping and swinging in the dark.
Improve more efficiently and stay calm under pressure.
This self paced online learning program is a deeper exploration of the concepts laid out in the best-selling book The Three Principles of Outstanding Golf.
Simple exercises and thought experiments will help you ditch the mental clutter. You will form helpful habits and patterns of thinking allowing you to swing with freedom and confidence.
PGA Professional and author Sam Jarman guides you through each chapter, sharing insights gained from years of playing tournament golf and coaching at all levels.
The program includes two face to face coaching sessions, so you can discuss the issues that affect your golf and get your questions answered without delay.

Unlock your potential today with a one off investment of £299.
Or spread the cost with a monthly plan.
One Off
Monthly Plan
It’s half past 2 in the morning…

The digital clock on the bedside table glows brightly in the darkness.
But that isn’t what’s keeping you from sleeping.
“I’ve put so much into my golf over the past few months. All that time, effort and money on lessons, range balls and new equipment.
I can’t believe I’m not improving.”
Three sessions at the driving range last week to prepare for the medal. Your swing was feeling good. You kept telling yourself to think positively. This was supposed to be the day it all paid off.
But then you walked off the putting green and round the corner towards the first tee.
The confidence just drained away.
“Uh Oh. There’s a queue. I’ll have about ten people watching me.
What if I hit one out of bounds like I did a couple of weeks ago.
Maybe I should just play it safe and hit an iron rather than driver?”
You decided to stick to your game plan. Your thinking raced as you tried to remember what that Tour pro said on the podcast were the three key things to make sure you do in your pre shot routine.
The swing happened in a blur.
“Fore Right !!!”
After reloading you made a triple bogey on the first. A ten footer salvaged a bogey on the second, but the third hole was a disaster. Two shots to get out of a bunker and then a three putt from 8 feet.
“Here we go again. Another day ruined by stupid mistakes.
Why does my swing feel so different from the driving range?
I can’t believe I’m still getting in my own way like this.”
How do I still keep finding new ways to mess things up?
How can I put so much in but get so little back in return?
There must be something I just don’t get about this bloody game?
The rest of the round didn’t get much better. There was a glimmer of hope when you made three pars in a row from the 12th and then chipped in for a birdie on 16.
But then just when it looked like you might be able to recover with a decent back nine, a couple of balls in the water on 17 and a duffed pitch on 18 brought the round to a sorry conclusion.
“I think I’m starting to get labelled as a bit of a choker.
I just can’t seem to keep it together even when I’m playing well.”
On the drive home your mind jumps ahead. Your stomach tightens with the thought of walking in the front door to face the usual questions about how your day went.
“All that time and money I’m shelling out on the game.
It’s hard to justify when I know it makes me miserable to be around for the rest of the weekend.”
You look at the clock again. Another hour has slipped past. A faint sliver of grey light outlines the edge of the window blinds.
You think about getting up to see if your online coach has responded to the swing video you sent over to him last week.
Then it suddenly hits you.
“I’m doing everything the YouTube golf gurus are telling me to do.
And I’m still not improving. In fact I’m getting worse.
Maybe it’s time to try something different?
Fast Forward Six Months…

You’re sitting back in a comfy chair with a cool refreshment reflecting on an enjoyable day.
There’s a small trophy on the table next to your glass.
“I was chuffed to get the W.
But the most satisfying thing was how chilled and optimistic I felt on the first tee.
No swing thoughts. A quick look at the target and Boom!
Straight down the middle.”
You missed the green with your approach, but a good chip and putt saved a par.
The second hole wasn’t great. A three putt for bogey, and then a poor drive on the third cost you another shot.
But somehow you weren’t bothered by the shaky start.
“It’s weird. I just stayed present and hit the next shot. No worrying about the score or what it means for my handicap.
It’s such a relief to not be getting in my own way all the time. Normally I’d be anxious about what the guys are thinking as we search for another lost ball.”
Most of your decisions turned out OK. But you noticed something different. When a shot didn’t end up the way you anticipated the familiar voice second guessing things just wasn’t there.
Maybe you can trust your your common sense and gut instinct after all, rather than doubting and overthinking simple situations?
“Looking back, it was a weird feeling playing with so little on my mind.
When that ol’ negative voice started chirping, I found myself smiling.
How easy the thoughts revert into the old patterns.
Now, back to the next shot…”
You allow yourself to enjoy the sense of achievement from the way you closed out the last few holes, despite the fact you were feeling insecure and a bit twitchy.
The satisfaction in the handshakes and nods of acknowledgement as you walked into the bar after the round, rather than sitting there thinking about the what ifs, could’ves and should’ves.
Your mind jumps forward into the future.
“Got the big golf trip to Scotland in a few weeks time. I can’t wait!
Makes a change to be looking forward to playing some great courses rather than fretting about my golf spoiling things for the rest of the guys.”

Your anticipation is interrupted as a voice from the kitchen calls out that dinner is ready. The kids are chatting about the film they went to see that afternoon.
“I wonder what else they have been up to today?”
A good meal with the family. Then a bit of TV and a proper night’s sleep will round the day off nicely.
Make a change from tossing and turning for hours thinking about my golf.”
Mental Game 101 – It’s Not Your Fault!
There is so much information out there. And much of it is contradictory.
When you’re struggling it’s natural to want to try the latest swing model that a successful Tour Pro is using.
It’s easy to be seduced by the confidence and enthusiasm of the YouTube guru your playing partners are raving about.
It’s normal to be curious about a Facebook ad for the shiny new training aid that ‘guarantees to lower your handicap’.
But how do you know what aspects of a particular swing technique or approach to improving are relevant for you, right now?
The golf instruction industry has evolved to keep golfers trapped in this loop. Trying to diagnose your faults and then selling you short term fixes.
Over and over again.
We all love spending money on the things we enjoy.
But think of all the training gadgets gathering dust in the garage.
The lesson vouchers lying unused in the drawer.
The putter that worked like magic for a couple of rounds but is forgotten somewhere in the boot of your car.

Invest Your Resources Wisely
You probably spend serious amounts of your precious time and hard earned cash on your hobby.
Membership fees, green fees, golf equipment, swing lessons, range balls, clothing and footwear. Maybe a golfing holiday every year?
None of this comes cheap. You can probably count it in the thousands rather than the hundreds of pounds.
Even more valuable is the valuable leisure time you spend doing something which is supposed to be enjoyable and rewarding.
You will never have that time again. Once it’s gone it’s gone.
But if you aren’t enjoying your golf, if you’ve stopped improving and you don’t really understand why you are playing the game, you might be wondering ‘what’s the point?’
Set against the money you have spent, and might well spend over the next few years, the investment to join this learning program is small change if it re-ignites your enthusiasm.
A Golf Mindset Reboot
These lessons will help you learn how to start enjoying your golf again, regardless of how you play. Knowing how this works eliminates the pressure you’re putting on yourself and is the first step on the path to playing better.
You start feeling more confident, rather than insecure. You swing with more freedom instead of steering the ball. It’s a virtuous circle, instead of an uphill battle.
For less than the price of a new driver, you can transform your mental approach to the game to a point where you know you can take something positive from every round you play.
It’s a great feeling walking to the first tee knowing you can enjoy your golf and compete, regardless of the challenges the game throws at you.
And that’s before you consider the benefits a deeper understanding of how your mind works will have on other areas in your life such as your work, your relationships and other sports or hobbies.

Going Back to Basics
Think back to when you first fell in love with the game.
Did you place conditions on your own enjoyment? Did golf need to always be a certain way in order for you to find fulfilment in it?
Or did you love it for the challenge it represented. For the thrill of hitting a particularly good shot every now and then. For the satisfaction of exploring your limitations and getting better at something difficult?
Now try to remember when the doubts and insecurities started to creep in. Maybe you began to judge yourself against other golfers you played with?
Maybe you got your first handicap and started playing in competitions?
Or saw your swing on video for the first time and compared it to the swings of the golfers on TV?
The game didn’t change. But your thoughts and feelings about it did!
Instead of approaching your golf with optimism and enthusiasm, your expectations and worries about outcomes and other people’s opinions began to dominate your thinking. You stopped being present and spent more and more time in the past or the future.
But here is the good news! You can get back to that state of freedom and clarity quickly by understanding how your mind really works.
From recognising where your patterns and habits of thinking come from and letting go of the ones that are holding you back.
Approach the Game Like a Tour Player, Not a Weekend Warrior
You might have heard great players from past and present observing that the game “is more mental than physical” when you reach a certain standard of play.
Well. That standard is not as high as you might think!
Once you have learned the basics of the swing and can make solid contact on a reasonably consistent basis, you need to switch from learning the golf swing, to learning how to play the game.

And as the best players in the world recognise, that is a mental challenge more than a physical one.
But few club golfers make that crucial switch in emphasis. How much importance does the average player place on understanding their patterns and habits of thinking, compared to the time they spend practising swing technique?
Maybe that’s why so many club golfers are stuck – playing poorly, not enjoying the game and struggling to realise their potential?

The biggest edge a golfer can gain over their competition is to recognise the importance of the mental game and start developing a skilful approach, rather than following the herd down to the driving range.
This learning program will help you redress the balance between the mental and physical sides of the game.
Playing to your potential means maximising the skills and strengths you already have, rather than searching for marginal gains that might come from grinding away trying to shorten your backswing by a few inches.
It means getting out of your own way and playing with freedom –
rather than searching for a level of control that the best players in the world understand doesn’t really exist.
A Different Approach to Learning the Inner Game.
You will uncover a set of principles that will simplify your ideas about the mental side of the game, allowing you to learn and play with a consistent and reliable mindset.
Rather than an endless process of trial and error, you will develop a strategy for your golf based on logic and reason, rather than just guessing and swinging in the dark.
Then you can plan your approach for every round based on mental principles you can rely on. On foundations you can trust and know for sure.
We all know that the swing thought that worked well one day, often doesn’t have the same magical effect next time you play.
You also know that your body can feel different from week to week, or day to day even though your swing looks the same from the outside.
So, does it make sense to keep chasing mysterious faults and applying quick fixes to thoughts, feelings and perceptions that are always fluctuating and changing?
These lessons will show you a better way.

Learn From Someone Who Has Played the Game
My name is Sam Jarman. I’m a PGA Golf Professional, author and coach.
I played full time golf for 10 years as an elite amateur and professional on the mini tours.
After years of struggling to play the way I was capable of when it mattered most, I stumbled upon a different approach to the mental side of the game.
My own golf was transformed as this new understanding began to sink in. I was playing to my potential more often – with less grinding, struggling and frustration. I got over bad shots more quickly and my focus and concentration improved.
I found myself having fun on the course again, rather than my enjoyment being conditional on how I played.
Individual Coaching Solutions
Based On Universal, Time Tested Principles
In a 20 year coaching career, I’ve learnt that every golfer is an individual with different preferences and tendencies, strengths and weaknesses.
Every golfer and every coaching conversation is unique. But there are principles of how the mind works that are the same for every golfer, at all times and in every situation.
I’m here to help you uncover the wisdom you already have within. And to base your new approach to the game on solid foundations.
I will ask you some different questions. Better questions than the ones you read earlier on the page – the ones that keep many golfers awake at night.
And by asking better questions, you will come up with better solutions for you and your golf than I or any other instructor could ever do.
The program includes two face to face coaching sessions (either in person or on Zoom) so I’m working from a full understanding about you and your golf.
You can ask your own questions and together we will start coming up with answers immediately.
Your thinking will quieten down and insghts will begin to flow as you get out of your own way.
“Could It Really Be This Simple?”
“While reading Sam’s book, I slowly began to see why the things that I had been trying to do to improve my golf weren’t working. I had been cluttering up my mind with more thinking and getting in my own way.
The first few rounds after I finished it were a breath of fresh air. I felt free to just play the game again.
But after a while doubts began to creep in. ‘Could it really be this simple?’
I wanted reassurance that I was on the right track so I went to the website and found this online course. I wasn’t sure at first, but the 30 day money back guarantee put my mind at ease.
It has been one of my best investments in my golf. The lessons cleared up a number of questions I had from reading the book. The one to one coaching sessions with Sam were great fun and so helpful.
If you’re wondering whether this way of learning about the mental side of the game is right for you, I highly recommend it.
I love the freedom of heading to the course knowing I can enjoy the game, regardless of how I play.”
Mastering the Mental Game – Ten Steps to Realise Your Golf Potential
Playing With the Principles is a self paced online learning program that will help you master the inner game and allow you to reach your true potential as a golfer.
These lessons are grounded in tried and tested philosophical principles that have been passed on by wise teachers from generation to generation.
They will help you simplify your approach to the game and play with more freedom, clarity and enthusiasm.

Module 1 – Simplify Your Approach to the Mental Game.
Good golfers know that it’s easier to play your best when you have less on your mind rather than more. By the end of the first lesson you will start to realise –
“You don’t need to believe everything that you think!
- You will start to explore the nature of thought – how your mind really works.
- You’ll stop trying to control your thoughts – (it’s impossible and just leads to more thinking).
- You’ll stop analysing the content of your thinking (what you think). This leads to more judging, negative self talk and anxiety.
Understanding your habits and patterns of thinking allows you to stay calm and approach challenging situations logically rather than panicking and getting flustered.
Module 1 will help you take these first steps to reducing the mental clutter and start getting out of your own way.
Module 2 – Understanding Motivation
Knowing why you play allows you to stay positive when things don’t go your way. It’s a key factor in developing resilience.
In practice this means:
- You’ll learn how to bounce back from a bad swing, bad hole or bad round.
- You’ll learn how to remain patient when your trajectory of improvement stalls.
- You’ll learn how to manage your expectations without losing your motivation or competitive instincts.
In Module 2 we will explore what golf means to you.
This helps to keep the game in perspective so you can enjoy the good times and get over disappointments more quickly. You will learn how to welcome and re engage with the challenge of the game, rather than wishing results came easily.

Module 3 – Play Your Best Golf When It Counts
Tension and anxiety interfere with the timing of your swing or stroke.
Errors in timing can cause big misses, leading to lost balls and penalty strokes
You will learn the 3 main reasons for feelings of tension and anxiety when you play.
You’re placing too much emphasis on performance or outcomes.
You’re forgetting that mistakes are an inevitable part of improvement.
You have expectations that golf has to be a certain way in order to be enjoyable.
In Module 3 you will learn how to overcome these limiting beliefs and develop a win – win mindset.
Where learning and accepting the challenge of the game become as valuable and satisfying as writing down a good score on your card.
When you begin to develop this attitude, the pressure you were putting yourself under evaporates, allowing your true potential to emerge.
Module 4 – The Key to Consistency
Great players through the ages have known that feeling confident or positive or relaxed isn’t necessary in order to play good golf.
If there is a secret to consistent play, this is it.
Look to your own direct experience to prove that this is true for you.
- Have you ever felt confident, but then couldn’t get your game together?
- Have you ever felt nervous and insecure but then played better than you expected?
If either of those experiences are familiar, it might cause you to question one of the biggest myths in golf – that you need to be in a particular mental state in order to perform.
In Module 4 you will learn how searching for ‘the right state of mind’ can really hurt your consistency and enjoyment of the game.
You will start to realise you too can play well regardless of how you feel

Module 5 – Stop Trying to Control Your Thoughts
Module 5 explores more deeply the concepts revealed in Module 1.
Allowing thoughts to come and go without taking all of them seriously is a key aspect of mastering the mental game.
You will:
- Understand that trying to control your thoughts is a battle you can’t win.
- See that if it was possible to stop negative thinking, there wouldn’t be any golf psychologists. They wouldn’t be needed!
- Realise that you don’t need to control your thoughts when you understand how your mind really works.
In Module 5 you will gain a deeper understanding of where thoughts come from and how they affect how you feel and play.
This knowledge is a game changer when it comes to playing to your potential more often, regardless of what’s going on in your head.
Module 6 – Understanding Awareness, Focus and Concentration
After completing Modules 1 and 5, you will have a deeper understanding of the true nature and the power of thought.
Another key question that then arises is, ‘how am I aware of my thoughts?
- You will see why negative thoughts arrive at inappropropriate moments and positive ones disappear when you try to hold onto them.
- You will uncover the constant that allows thoughts and feelings to appear and then disappear.
- You will understand why thoughts and perceptions sometimes become distractions when you’re trying to focus.
In the years since writing The Three Principles of Outstanding Golf, recognising the true nature of awareness has been the biggest transformation in my life, both on and off the course.
In Module 6, you will learn more about this revolutionary insight and its implications for concentration, focus and playing your best golf when you really want to.

Module 7 – Handling Pressure
Most golfers are familiar with feelings of pressure or stress when they start to take the game more seriously.
As expectations rise, pressure seems to grow.
We’re constantly bombarded with messages that relief from those feelings will come from:
- Achievements like a lower handicap or winning a tournament
- Having control over your golf swing.
- Getting what you want from the game
But as many golfers have discovered when they reach a long cherished goal, the equation
Success = lasting happiness, doesn’t stand up well when you put it to the test.
Module 7 reveals the freedom that comes when you stop seeing your relationship with the game as transactional and truly understand why you play.
By exploring some big questions about golf and life, you can arrive at a place of true fulfilment.
A mindset where you enjoy the game for its own sake, rather than for what you think you can get from it.
Module 8 – Improve More Efficiently
As children, we learn from experience, and by doing.
Yet the golf industry promotes the theory that absorbing more and more information will give us the results we are looking for.
In this Module you will start to understand why the average handicap hasn’t improved over the last 50 years, despite the amount of information that golfers have available.

- You will understand why technical analysis of your bad shots on the course is counter productive.
- You will appreciate that the best way to learn athletic movement is by doing, not by thinking about it.
- You will see that quality and relevance of information is more important than quantity.
In Module 8 you will uncover the escape route from the trap of more information, improving the efficiency of the learning that takes place.
You will move closer to your potential by simplifying your approach to improving at golf.

Module 9 – Taking Your Range Game to the Golf Course
‘How do I apply this? ‘is a question that often arises when a golfer first sees the potential for this understanding to transform their mental game.
This module explains the key mistakes many golfers make when trying to put theory into practice and shows you how to avoid them.
- You will see that when you really know something, you don’t need to apply it.
- You will be reminded that golf is a simple game. We over complicate it with theories, concepts, meanings and overthinking that gets layered on top.
- You will understand that when you know how your mind works, applying techniques to control your thinking or state of mind isn’t necessary.
True understanding is a felt experience, not an intellectual one. It is experienced as peace of mind.
This knowing calmness is different from the busy-minded feeling of figuring something out intellectually and then trying to apply it.
Module 9 will allow you to drop all the expectations, bad memories, ‘how to’ swing thoughts and get back to playing the game as you did as a youngster.
Module 10 – Trust Your Self
This is the most important lesson that I have learned about the game.
The answers you are seeking are not ‘out there’.
You already have them within you.
But to really know and feel the truth in that statement, you need to realise what we are actually referring to when we say ‘I’ or ‘me’.
- You will realise you are not the central character in the story of your golf.
- You will recognise you are not just a fragile ego who is defined by a number written down on a scorecard.
- You will see you are not the entity that has doubts, feels pressure, gets anxious and is never satisfied, even when you play well.
The real ‘you’ is something else.
Uncovering who you really are is the true purpose of the game.
It’s why playing games is natural behaviour for all humans. Games help us to understand the purpose of life.
In Module 10 you will uncover this timeless truth.
Doing so is the key to mastering the mental game, realising your potential and enjoying your golf more than you ever thought possible.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Yes, this online course represents a considerable investment of both time and money. But intelligent investments lead to rewarding and satisfying returns.
Mastery of the mental aspects of the game is an asset that will pay handsome dividends over the rest of your golfing career.
As described earlier, most club golfers don’t understand the importance or the benefits of understanding how the mind really works.
A few might have dabbled with psychological techniques or strategies having heard or read about them. But a lack of consistent long term success sees them running back into the open arms of the golf instruction industry, which is all too ready to sell them another ‘6 for the price of 5’ golf swing lessons and a large bucket of range balls.
This course is different. Instead of psychological tips and tricks, you get principles you can rely on. Instead of shaky swing analysis and short term fixes, you get fundamentals that will stand the test of time.
You get a 30 day money back guarantee. And two 1 to 1 coaching sessions with me (worth £150) to discuss your particular concerns. I’ll answer any questions and keep you on track.
If after 30 days you have completed the course and you don’t feel the difference when you play, I will happily refund 100% of the purchase price.
The understanding shared in these lessons changed my life and my golf forever, and it has done for hundreds of other golfers. It is based on a timeless wisdom that is the foundation of all the major philosophies and spiritual traditions.
Mastery of the Mental game will still be delivering enjoyment and satisfaction in twenty years time. Which is probably more than can be said for that new driver you bought or the training aids that are gathering dust in the garage.
If you have any questions about the course, and how it will help your game, please use this link to book a free, no obligation discovery call here.
I look forward to meeting you and learning more about your game, and to helping you realise your golfing potential.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to have read the book before enrolling in the online course?
No! In fact the course was developed partly to help golfers who aren’t keen readers. A copy of the eBook or the Audiobook version is included in the price of the course.
Many students like to read or listen to a chapter and then complete the corresponding lesson so they get the full depth of what is being suggested.
The two formats work beautifully hand in hand to help you master the mental game.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends. It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase having completed the lessons, contact me in the first 30 days and I will give you a full refund.
Will I be able to get one to one help and ask questions after I enrol?
Yes, during the course you will be able to schedule two one to one conversations with me via Zoom, or in person.
You will have the chance to schedule the first call as soon as you enrol to make sure you get off to a flying start. You can schedule further sessions at after the two that are included in the price if you want to really go deep into this understanding.
What happens if the course is revised, will I get the updates?
Yes! I will add new lessons, articles and resources as my understanding continues to get deeper, and as more people take the course and ask questions and make suggestions about what they would like to see more of in the curriculum. You will always have access to these improvements and updates with no extra charge.
Do I need to be a low handicap golfer or to have mastered my swing to learn from these lessons?
No! The course is designed for golfers of all levels and all abilities. No matter what your handicap or how long you have been playing, understanding how your mind works will help you learn more efficiently and play your best golf more often.
This course is perfect for you if…
You’re the golfer who is tired of watching Youtube videos and isn’t convinced that yet another ‘5 steps to the perfect backswing’ magazine article is the answer you’ve been searching for.
You’re the golfer who has tried the pre shot routines and visualisation techniques prescribed by sports psychologists and performance coaches and hasn’t seen improvement in either your consistency or enjoyment of the game.
You’re the golfer who has all the ingredients to lower your handicap and compete in the big competitions, but who just can’t seem to put it all together when it really matters.
This course is probably NOT perfect for you if…
You’re a golfer who believes that getting compliments on your swing or perfecting your putting stroke is the key to golfing success and happiness.
You’re a golfer who believes that hard work and grinding through another large bucket at the range will eventually pay off – one day.
You’re a golfer who thinks that this new swing model, the latest YouTube Guru or positive thinking strategy will be the one that finally brings you the results you’ve been searching for.
“Clear, straightforward and understandable”
“A few months ago I was recommended Sam’s excellent book The Three Principles of Outstanding Golf. It was thoroughly refreshing to see this philosophical and psychological approach applied to the game I have played my whole life.
Sam keeps the theory clear, straight forward and understandable, without losing any of the deep essence of the original ‘Mind-Consciousness-Thought’ idea, first described by philosopher Sydney Banks.
He also applied it beautifully to develop an understanding of us as humans within the golfing environment.
Over the 50 years that I have played the game of golf I have been fascinated by how the mind works in a much wider way than simply “how do I think better in order to perform better and win”.
What interested me after reading the book was whether I should just start re-reading to understand it better. Or whether there was another way to go deeper and be able to reflect on the messages?
I was therefore thrilled to learn about this on-line study course to support the curious reader. It breaks down all the individual chapters and allowed me to study the concepts presented by the author at my own pace.
Watching the videos and listening to his voice helped me understand how his ideas evolved.
The approach presented is dynamic and being refined all the time which coupled with being able to stop the videos or slides and to make notes could not have been better.
As a lecturer on University Masters programmes I know this reflection and cogitation time is critical to being able to really make sense of things.
Furthermore, having this information supported by interviews with various experts really made it all come alive. I like to have information in a right-brain visual format as well as the written form.
I highly recommend taking the extra step of signing up for the on-line course. It opens up new layers of awareness when you inevitably decide to deepen your understanding of these essential principles.”
“Just Hit the Shot…”
“I’ve read Rotella, Zen Golf, Vision 54 etc as well as other, non-golf psychology books. Sam’s right. They don’t work or if they do, don’t work for long.
You just end up thinking you’ve failed by doing it wrong.
I don’t like having a fixed pre shot routine. Like he suggests, I play best when I play on pure instinct. The only thing I took from any of those books is one of the authors saying you have to have courage.
Now if I feel under pressure I just hit the shot regardless of what I am thinking.
Which is pretty much what Sam is saying about thoughts and thinking in the book and the online course…”
Are You Ready to Master
the Mental Game?
Imagine… turning up on the first tee not worrying about how the day is going to go or whether you are going to be able to find your A Game.
Being free from the anxious searching for the right thought or feeling every time you play.

Imagine… coming down the last few holes with a good score going, knowing that feeling nervous doesn’t prevent you playing your best golf under pressure.
You can enjoy the feeling of being in the hunt, rather than letting anxious thoughts and feelings affect your play.
Imagine… being respected as resilient, optimistic and tough to beat, whatever the circumstances.
Rather than being the golfer sat in the bar after the round telling ‘if only’ stories and bemoaning your bad luck.

Start Realising Your Potential Today!
From Lesson 1 you’ll learn how to stop getting in your own way. Unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour will drop away.
The enjoyment and enthusiasm will return. You’ll avoid wasting time, money and effort practicing areas of the game that don’t matter.
You can immediately begin to approach the game in a smart and efficient way, rather than grinding and aimlessly beating balls.
You don’t need to change your golf swing. You don’t need another putting lesson.
You can stop sabotaging yourself and start making the most of the golf swing and the innate athletic ability you have right now!
Choose An Investment Plan
One Off Investment Plan
Single payment of £299
Price includes 2 One-to-One Coaching sessions.
Monthly Investment Plan
3 payments of £105/month
Price includes 2 One-to-One Coaching sessions